Fiona Johnson

Fiona Johnson

Travel Designer


Lookout Mountain, GA


2 Years


Fiona resides in Lookout Mountain, GA where she was born and raised. She and her husband have two children and an Australian Shepherd. Fiona lived in Aspen, CO and eventually moved back to her hometown to finish her nursing degree, and start a 6 year career in healthcare. Once she had children, she and her family spent 4 years embarking on one family adventure after another.

She and her husband are avid fly fishermen who chase fish all over the continent in remote pristine wildernesses. From Montana to the ocean flats of the Bahamas, they love exploring new regions and uncovering natural wonders. When seeking more of a traditional holiday, Fiona may be found connecting with her British family in England and taking weekend trips throughout Western Europe.

A mother above all, Fiona loves to place couples and families in authentic, yet comfortable experiences surrounded by great food, beautiful scenery and welcoming hosts. She believes that travel is meant to open up a fun relationship with a new destination. If she isn’t chasing her kids and dog around in the backyard, Fiona can be found on the tennis court, gardening, or cooking.

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A complete change of clothes just in case my luggage gets lost, a light sweater for the plane, a good book, and I always buy a big bottle of water before boarding. It is so important to stay hydrated while flying!


My husband and I stayed on a small island called Parrot Cay in the Bahamas. The island only had 3 cottages and they were nowhere near each other. The cottage was entirely open air right on the water, and we had our own boat and dock to come and go so easily. We spent a week island hopping, fishing, snorkeling, and walking around the towns in the Abacos. It was so amazing to be completely isolated at our cottage but also have the convenience of getting somewhere nearby by boat.


I try and do 3 things: first, I try not to eat the heavy dinner meal if traveling overnight. It helps if you try and start eating on the same schedule as the time zone you are traveling to after boarding the plane. The second thing is not to nap too long when you reach your destination. Take a quick nap but don't sleep the day away. And then stay up as late as you can the first night--even if that only means 8pm. The last thing is exercise - make sure you're moving as much as possible the day you arrive. Explore your new destination on foot, I promise, you will feel much better after your long journey!